Channel: DNA – Life Infinity Health
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Common Causes Of Tooth Misalignment And How To Treat It – Best Dental Solutions


Though it commonly occurs among teenagers and young adults, tooth misalignment is an aesthetic problem with your teeth that will take a great deal of time to fix. Crooked teeth can affect your smile, and unlike other issues with your smile that may be fixed in a matter of hours with a cosmetic dentist, your teeth are very likely to require months of adjustment in order to become a more acceptable shape.

Common Causes of Tooth Misalignment: Though many other dental issues are the result of (or related to) poor oral health, misaligned teeth are generally caused by ones genetics. Your bone structure is determined almost primarily by your DNA, and it is not uncommon for those bones to grow in oddly shaped patterns.

Still, there are a few other causes of misaligned teeth that are not due to your DNA. Some of these possible causes include wisdom teeth not removed before growing in the jaw, gingivitis, facial injury, overuse of thumb sucking or pacifier (commonly affects children and baby teeth), and issues with some forms of dental restoration.

In almost all cases, with the exception of the growth of wisdom teeth, it is going to be your genes that cause your tooth to grow in awkwardly or crookedly. However, despite being a genetic problem, tooth misalignment is one that you can easily solve with several long term treatment options.

Tooth Misalignment Treatment: The most common treatment for tooth misalignment is braces. Basic retainers may be used in place of braces when the tooth misalignment is minor, but braces are still far more common for severe tooth misalignment as they move your teeth slowly back into place.

For those that do not want braces, a more advanced form of retainer known as Invisalign is also an effective treatment option. It is characterized as a form of Clear braces except that it is removable for eating and brushing your teeth.

In some cases, your dentist may simply need to remove extra teeth that do not have room in your jaw. This is one of the most common reasons for removing wisdom teeth, as they often do not have room to grow and can cause misalignment. Still, braces or retainers may still be necessary.

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